Bird Damage
Birds are capable of causing damage, but are also notorious for turning your home into a rather unsightly habitat. Bird nesting typically accumulates in ventilation ducts which can lead to decreased air flow in your home and clogging within the duct, spreading harmful airborne viruses through the home’s ventilation. Nests can also clog cutters. The heavy gutters pulling at the fascia for long periods of time could lead to warping within the gutters and fascia/soffit work. Feces, on top of carrying viruses dangerous to humans, is also extremely corrosive and can lead to severe corrosion to metal, concrete, and paint on the exterior of homes.
Health Hazards
The feces of birds carry a number of bacterial viruses that are capable of transmission through both ingestion and the inhaling of airborne particles. Psittacosis, Histoplasmosis, and Cryptococcosis are all prevalent illnesses that can cause difficulty breathing, fever, and respiratory issues so severe that leaving the illness untreated could be life-threatening.
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Commonly Asked Questions
Birds are nesting in my attic, is that bad?
The biggest issue from having birds in your attic is the number of bacterial and viral infections capable of being transmitted to humans or pets living in the home through airborne particles.
Why are birds nesting in my dryer vents?
Birds are looking for a safe place to build theirs nests and lay eggs. The location of a dyer vent is what makes it one of the favorite places for birds to nest. It is high, covered, and out of sight of predators that would be usually looking for the nests in trees.
how long does it take for bird droppings to damage my paint?
Bird droppings are very acidic and it could cause damage within a few days of exposure to paint. As the bird dropping drys, it bonds with the material of the paint and causes the damage. This makes it much harder to clean as well.